Photo: An abandoned church in a mining town
in Oregon that was deserted after the mine closed.
According to Lynn White in her article, “The Historical Roots
of the Ecological Crisis,” the word ecology did not appear in the English language
until 1873. This was during the
beginning of the Industrial Revolution, which introduced a litany of new issues
and questions into society that are still being addressed today. At the core of these issues, we must
challenge the conception that humanity has sovereignty over the Earth.
According to both of the class readings, theological belief may have part in
humanity’s lackadaisical attitude toward the environment. While Christianity
may have encouraged a dominion of humanity on Earth I don’t think it’s accurate
at say, as White does that Christianity is at the helm of the ecological
crisis. I don’t deny either that there
is something to the attitude of entitlement that surrounds the ecological
crisis that seems latent in some aspects of religion. As White points out, Pagan traditions were more
outright considerate of the environment while Christianity seems to put the
Earth completely at man’s disposal. That
said, I think it’s important to raise the following question: Is the attitude
of human dominion that theological belief (consider Catholicism especially) has
encouraged responsible for the ecological crisis? To what extent has science teamed with this
aspect of theological belief in its pursuit of industrial and technological
advancement? Also consider the
opposite—are scientists who are searching for ways to help the environment
operating under theological ideals or are they following a moral compass devoid
of religious influence? Does science need some aspects of theological belief be
motivated to save the planet?