In the series
“Through the Wormhole,” Morgan Freeman features a study being preformed by
neurotheologists whom are attempting to explain the “correlations between
neural stimulation and spiritual experience.” Called ‘The God Spot,’
neurologists believe they have specified a part of the brain that, when
correctly stimulated by magnetic energy, will provide users with experiences
that are comparable to the spiritual and out of body experiences usually
associated with God intervention.
To research ‘The God Spot,’ Stanley Koren, a member of Laurentian University’s Neuroscience Department, created a helmet with the directions of Dr. Michael Persinger, that containing magnetic coils that are strategically aimed at the right temporal lobe. Many test subjects claim that when wearing the Koren Helmet they experienced “out-of-body feelings, apparitions floating around them, sensations of weightlessness, and many other strange phenomena.” Throughout all the testing, scientists discovered that about “80% of test subjects experienced remarkable visions and some sensed the presence of something else in the chamber.”
Now the big question is are these visions truly visions of God? The right temporal lobe, the area that the Koren Helmet stimulates, is responsible for auditory perception, processing of speech and vision, and language functions. It seems that the feelings the test subjects encountered may be false. This could be because parts of the brain related to the experiences of the test subjects are being more intensely activated. The inquiry scientists put on the table when debating this experiment is whether or not the "God-Spot" is a region of the brain that evolved so that humans can communicate with a higher power, or a simply region we developed to create a "comfort blanket" for ourselves amidst the violence that we experience in the world.
What causes
some of the test subjects to relate their encounters to a godly like occurrence?
Is ‘The God Spot’ a spot that creates the illusion of God or is it the spot that allows communication with god?